Solcium Solar

Saving Energy While Working From Home

Woman sitting casually in a home office chair talking on a cell phone and working from home

In recent years, more employers are embracing the work from home model of employment, which can save them thousands of dollars in overhead expenses.

However, that could mean more expenses for the employee, as they start to see rising energy costs from an increase of hours spent at home. Some reports show that employees who switched to a home-based office saw energy consumption rise by 24%.

Professionals can take energy savings into their own hands by taking a few preemptive measures while working nine to five. Here are eight ways to cut costs when working from home:

1. Be smart with the thermometer:

Hand adjusting temperature on smart thermostat to save energy and money.

A home’s heating and cooling systems typically consume up to 50% of the monthly energy costs. By adjusting their outfit before the thermometer, homeowners can save significantly by avoiding the temptation to overwork their HVAC.

2. Unplug devices when not in use:

Small devices use energy even when not in use, which is referred to as “stand by power”. Consider keeping small appliances, electronic devices and other equipment unplugged when they are not being utilized. This alone can save homeowners 12% of their monthly energy usage.

3. Switch to LED lighting:

Incandescent lamp is changed to LED light to save money while working from home.

Replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with ENERGY STAR rated LED lighting is the fastest and easiest way to capture additional energy savings.

4. Let the sunshine in!

By rotating blinds open and close with the day’s sunlight, homeowners can utilize the natural light, avoid using electricity, while lending an ambiance that maximizes productivity.

5. Use a smart power strip:

These mighty gadgets monitor and limit the consumption drawn from electronics. By utilizing these smarter strips, homeowners can do their part in cutting down on the 1% of carbon emissions caused by stand by power worldwide. There are several options available on Amazon.

6. Switch from a desktop for a laptop:

"work from home" light box next to a laptop and coffee cup with a sunlit window behind

Not only are they more practical when traversing for work, laptops use 80% less electricity than their desktop counterparts.

7. Stick to a schedule:

The day gets away from busy-bodies sometimes. By keeping track of their work hours and adhering to a schedule, homeowners can avoid working longer hours which equates to more energy consumed.

8. Schedule a free solar consultation with Solcium Solar:

With a solar system from Solcium, homeowners can work the day away without utility bills lingering over their heads, just panels.

Contact Solcium to learn more about green alternatives to offsetting rising energy costs while working from home and illuminate productivity with panels.





About Solcium

Solcium Solar provides a full suite of end-to-end renewable energy solutions including education, design, and installation services.

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